Fri, 7th Mar 2025 10:01 (GMT +7)

Peaceful Tran Island

Thursday, 23/01/2025 | 11:35:46 [GMT +7] A  A

Visiting Tran Island in late winter, you will experience the majestic and serene beauty of a frontline island situated at the northeasternmost point of Vietnam.

Tran Island s a small but strategically significant island located in the Gulf of Tonkin, near the northern coast of Vietnam. It is part of the Tran Archipelago and lies within Thanh Lan commune, Co To district.

1 Toàn cảnh đảo Trần nhìn từ trên cao
Tran island is one of Vietnam’s northernmost inhabited islands, serving as a "frontline" outpost in safeguarding the nation’s territorial waters.
2 Toàn đảo phủ kín mầu xanh của rừng nguyên sinh
Roads on the island are shaded by lush green trees, with fresh air tinged with a hint of the salty aroma of the sea.
3 Lá cờ tổ quốc tung bay trên điểm cao nhất của đảo
The national flag flies at the highest point of Tran Island, standing 188 meters above sea level, asserting Vietnam's territorial sovereignty.
4 Ngọn đèn biển một trong điểm ngắm quang cảnh toàn đảo
Tran Island Lighthouse, often referred to as the "Eye of the Sea," serves as a beacon guiding vessels to Tran Island's harbor and supporting maritime activities in the waters of Quang Ninh province.
5 Nhìn qua các cây nguyên sinh ra biển đẹp lạ kỳ
Ancient forests on the island feature many leafless old trees in winter.
7 Đứng trên các bãi đá trên đảo nghe sóng vỗ như các bản tình ca của biển
On Tran Island, you can choose to explore the forests or venture down to the sea. Standing still on the rocky shores, you can listen to the waves singing the love songs of the ocean.
Khi trời trong nhìn biển mênh mông
The winter sea takes on a jade-green hue, with waves gently lapping in a serene rhythm.
10 Con đường ven hồ trong đảo thơ mộng ven núi
Walking along the winding paths, you’ll feel the tranquility of the island, accompanied only by the gentle breeze and the rustling whispers of the forest trees.
Bãi cát tự nhiên nhên đảo đẹp đến mê mẩn
The natural golden sandy beaches on this farawary island.

By Do Giang