Fri, 14th Mar 2025 17:18 (GMT +7)

Provincial leaders offer incense to commemorate national heroes and martyrs

Wednesday, 18/12/2024 | 09:23:17 [GMT +7] A  A

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Founding of the Vietnam People's Army (December 22, 1944 - December 22, 2024), a leader delegation of Quang Ninh province led by Secretary of the provincial Party's Committee Vu Dai Thang this morning laid a wreath and burnt incense to commemorate heroic martyrs at the Ha Long city Martyr Memorial and the statue of Comrade Vu Van Hieu, the first Secretary of the Quang Ninh Coal Mining District Committee.

The delegation expressed gratitute to war heroes and martyrs at the Ha Long city Martyr Memorial.

Having offered flower and incense at the memorial, delegates held a minute's silence and then expressed their piety and endless gratitude to the great merit of heroic martyrs who lost their life for national liberation and unification.

In addition, delegates reflected their determination to uphold and promote national tradition in the cause of Quang Ninh provincial construction. The provincial Party Committee, authorities and people will promote production to build the homeland toward prosperity and development.

Leaders, committees, agencies and organizations promised to promote gratitude activities for Vietnamese heroic mothers and families of revolutionary contributors in the province.

Secretary of the provincial Party's Committee Vu Dai Thang burnt incense commemorate heroic martyrs.


The delegation expressed gratitute to war heroes and martyrs at the statue of Comrade Vu Van Hieu, the first Secretary of the Quang Ninh Coal Mining District Committee.

By Nguyen Thanh