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Practically developing emulation movement into driving force for development of society

Monday, 12/06/2023 | 08:14:53 [GMT +7] A  A

75 years ago, on June 11, 1948, President Ho Chi Minh issued the call for patriotic emulation, officially launching the patriotic emulation movement throughout the country.

A poster on promoting patriotic emulation (Photo: Department of Culture)

The call for patriotic emulation as well as the speeches and articles of Uncle Ho have mobilised and motivated the entire Party, people, and army to promote patriotism, solidarity, and self-reliance to overcome every hardship and successfully realise tasks in each revolutionary period.

Especially in difficult and fierce moments of the nation, President Ho’s call for patriotic emulation has spread to all strata of the people, becoming the power to bring glorious victories to our nation.

President Ho Chi Minh's ideology on emulation and reward has not only laid the foundation for the guideline, direction, and orientation of the patriotic emulation movement over the years, but also served as the ground for the Party and State to supplement and perfect the guidelines and policies on patriotic emulation, and emulation and reward, thus meeting the requirements and tasks in each revolutionary period.

In today’s process of ‘Doi Moi’ (national renewal) and international integration, President Ho Chi Minh's call for patriotic emulation still retains its historical significance, profound theoretical and practical value.

Over the past 75 years, our Party, State and people have thoroughly grasped and applied President Ho’s ideology on patriotic emulation in implementing emulation movements, which have helped the country overcome numerous difficulties and challenges to successfully realise the Party's resolutions in all circumstances.

Based on President Ho’s ideological foundation, the Party, State, and National Assembly have promptly promulgated guidelines, policies and laws on patriotic emulation, and emulation – reward.

Over the past 37 years of national renewal, many guidelines, policies, and laws on emulation, reward, and organisation of emulation movements have been promulgated and continuously supplemented and completed to meet the requirements of the country in the new situation as well as the needs and aspirations of people from all walks of life.

In today’s process of ‘Doi Moi’ (national renewal) and international integration, President Ho Chi Minh's call for patriotic emulation still retains its historical significance, profound theoretical and practical value.

Most recently, on June 15, 2022, the National Assembly passed the Law on Emulation and Reward (amended), which includes many new regulations. Notably, it highlights the determination to develop the emulation movement at grassroots level. It also stresses the importance of rewarding collectives at the grassroots level, workers, farmers, officers, armed forces, and units in remote, border, and island areas. In addition, it regulates the implementation of administrative reform and application of information technology in the work of emulation and reward.

However, in addition to the encouraging results, the emulation-reward work has also revealed a number of limitations, such as the inadequate awareness of some Party committees, authorities, and leaders about the role and importance of the work.

The communication and duplication of exemplary models in some places have not been given due attention; the review and evaluation of emulations movements in some localities has not yet carried out thoroughly, and the implementation of such movements has yet to be maintained regularly in some units.

In order to develop emulation movements and emulation-reward work more practically and fair, all levels of Party committees and authorities need to foster innovation from policy to approach, spreading the emulation movements more widely and practically, with higher quality, to become the driving force in social life.

Functional agencies should regularly promote communication to honour the good people doing good deeds, while implementing guidelines, policies and laws, in which emulation work is placed as one of the important criteria to evaluate the completion of tasks of organisations and individuals.

It is also important to thoroughly grasp Uncle Ho's teachings, in which he called to make emulation work become a daily work of each person, agency, unit, and residential area. Everyone, regardless of profession, gender, ethnicity, religion, or belief, is encouraged to enthusiastically participate in emulation movements, do the right thing and fulfil their tasks. Emulation movements need to set specific and clear content and criteria, in order to mobilise the participation and active response of the people.

The work of emulation and reward must continue to closely follow the leadership and direction of the Party. The activities of the emulation-reward councils at all levels should be enhanced while the responsibilities and roles of the agency in charge of emulation-reward work should be further promoted.

Localities, ministries, and branches need to promptly identify and honour exemplary models in implementing emulation movements, as well as detect inadequacies that need to be adjusted in the work of emulation and reward.

Party committees and authorities at all levels should continue to complete regulations and streamline human resources working in the work of emulation and reward.

Priority should also be placed on effectively implementing comprehensive review and assessment, especially regarding the limitations and inadequacies of the ongoing emulation movements, in order to draw more lessons and experiences and thereby deploy the movements in a more substantive and effective manner.

Source: Nhan Dan