Tue, 11th Mar 2025 18:22 (GMT +7)

Peaceful Na Mo Lake

Friday, 12/05/2023 | 11:27:58 [GMT +7] A  A

Located in the middle of massive mountains and forests at Vo Ngai commune in Binh Lieu district, Na Mo Lake gives visitors an exceptional experience.

Na Mo Lake is located in the middle of the green space of the mountains.

It’s quite easy to get to this beautiful irrigation lake, only about 2 kilometers away from the center of Vo Ngai commune. Na Mo Lake is one of the first and largest artificial lakes in the district, providing water for houseshold use and irrigation, and forming a favorable campus to promote tourism and service activities.

The 27-hectare lake is located on high terrain in the contiguous area of ​​Na Mo, Khe Lanh, etc. villages. The lake bed area is ​​about 235,000m2, with a water storage capacity of 0.6 million m3. From here, tourists can see an overview of the entire lake and surrounding villages such as Na Luong, Na Mo, Khe Lanh, etc.

Tourists can go camping or go sightseeing along the lakeside road to enjoy the fresh air under the canopy of forest trees. It’s great to take pictures of natural landscapes and the green color of immense pine and acacia forests, etc. surround the lake. Notably, Bam River waterfall nearby pouring water sourced from the lake makes the natural picture look stunning and primitive.

Na Mo Lake brings the experience of harmony between the artificial "artwork" and the natural landscape. This place is expected to become a new and must-visit one in Binh Lieu district.

By Ta Quan