Tue, 14th Jan 2025 12:30 (GMT +7)

Organge picking in Van Don

Friday, 13/12/2024 | 09:11:34 [GMT +7] A  A

Visitors to Van Yen commune at this time have a chance to enjoy the awesome view of orange orchards entering the Tet orange crop.

Tourists visit an orange garden at Van Yen commune.

Van Yen commune, about 10 kilometers from Cai Rong port - the centre of the district, is home to hundreds of hectares of orange orchards.  This area comprises a large area of mountains, forests, ravines with fresh and cool atmosphere and high humidity which enable these plants to grow rapidly.

Visitors to Van Yen commune at this time have a chance to enjoy the awesome view of orange orchards entering the Tet orange crop. The total area of all organe gardens is 175 hectares owned by 70 household businesses.

Besides planting native orange varieties such as paper oranges, sugar oranges, and tangerines, large gardens here grow famous varieties of oranges nationwide such as Cao Phong orance, Canh orange, Doai orange, etc.

Apart from a spacious and beautiful space, these orange gardens have ancient orange trees that create shade along streams and hillsides. This layout creates great space and shade for visitors to explore and get relaxed. Walking around the orange orchard, visitors will have a relaxing time watching the beauty of the juicy oranges. The orange gardens at harvest looks as beautiful as a picture.

To meet the needs of tourists, the orange gardens also offer catering services with typical grilled dishes.

The second orange festival was successfully held in Van Don on December 7, 2024, connecting a variety of businesses and customers nationwide.

The cultivation of Van Yen orange fully follows VietGAP standards  (Vietnamese Good Agricultural Practice). All of the trees are irrigated with the pure source of water from forest streams, grown with biofertilizers, and do not suffer from any impacts of pepticides as well. That’s why these fruits are really clean and have a speacial taste. 

The brand of Van Yen orange has been registered as one of OCOP products since 2016. The OCOP (One Commune, Once Product) programme has been implemented since 2013 across the province to boost economic development in rural areas, especially the development of agricultural, non-agricultural and service-based products in each locality in the value chain.

The second orange festival was successfully held in Van Don on December 7, 2024, connecting a variety of businesses and customers nationwide.

By QMG Reporters