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FDI flow into Quang Ninh surpasses USD 1 billion in 2021

Tuesday, 11/01/2022 | 11:30:14 [GMT +7] A  A

Despite a range of negative impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on all socio-economic sectors, Quang Ninh province has been doing its utmost to thrive on such challenges and still become a favourable investment destination for foregn investors.

The delegation of Japanese investors visit some industrial parks in Quang Yen town on Nov. 16, 2021.
The delegation of Japanese investors visited some industrial parks in Quang Yen town on Nov. 16, 2021.

During the 2 years since the time the Covid-19 pandemic emerged, Quang Ninh has taken plenty of drastic measures to control the outbreak of this serious disease and ensure the efficiency of investment, production and business activities.

The province has also successfully organized flights carrying foreign experts and engineers to work in Vietnam through Van Don International Airport, helping businesses to be stable in such a difficult situation, thereby strengthening the relationship between Quang Ninh and its partners.

The authorities at all levels seem really attentive and cooperative in offering enterprises and investors active support in their business operation. They have also issued appropriate policies and strategies related to administrative reform, infrastructure development and human resource development, making Quang Ninh become more and more attractive in the eyes of diverve investors.

The province's total non-budget investment attraction reached over VND 360 trillion in 2021. In which, FDI reached over US$1.1 billion, nearly 3 times higher than that in the same period last year.

Two projects of Jinko Solar invested in Quang Yen town's Song Khoai Industrial Park with a total capital of more than US$865 million are under implementation.
Two projects of Jinko Solar invested in Quang Yen town's Song Khoai Industrial Park with a total capital of more than US$865 million are under implementation.

There have currently existed 145 FDI ​​projects owned by investors from 20 countries and territories around the world. These projects have carried out varied production and business activities with a total registered investment capital of about VND 8.15 billion.

They include 85 ones operating in the area of ​​industrial zones and economic zones with total registered investment capital of US$ 4.19 billion and 60 ones outside industrial zones and economic zones with total investment capital of over US$3.96 billion.

Accumulated realized investment capital is estimated at USD 5.69 billion, accounting for 70% of total registered investment capital.

These positive results are expected to be a solid foundation for Quang Ninh to continue to become an ideal investment destination in 2022 and the following years.


By Minh Ha