Sun, 8th Sep 2024 09:19 (GMT +7)

Identify young bravery

Monday, 12/02/2024 | 14:00:53 [GMT +7] A  A

"Bravery", without necessary explanations, is just an abstract, general concept. "The bravery of young people" is the same. And even if we try to clarify the universal value of an entire generation through typical faces, we may still be led astray by incomplete judgments.

With the theme "The role of youth in promoting the implementation of sustainable development goals through digital transformation and innovation", the 9th Global Young Parliamentarians Conference was held in Hanoi and had the largest scale ever. (Photo: DUY LINH).

However, if that phrase comes with a specific set of criteria and is explained in the simplest terms, the answer can easily appear.

For every generation of Vietnamese youth, there always exists an eternal value: Love for the Fatherland. That is the core value forged through thousands of years of building and defending the country, through hundreds of thousands of examples of sacrifice and dedication of generations of ancestors.

Bravery must be mentioned first in the current young generation of Vietnam, who need a loyal ideal to serve the country's ultimate interests.

However, in this era of information explosion, where technological achievements can always become a double-edged sword or even "sugar-coated bullets", with the spread of social networking platforms, as well as harmful information flows that are extremely difficult to control, the patriotism of Vietnamese youth has to face many pitfalls that previous generations have never witnessed.

Without enough knowledge and alertness, anyone can easily be swayed and manipulated by the cunning arguments that spread poisonous seeds every day and hour, causing them to unintentionally go against, or negate, the achievements called Vietnam.

In fact, over the years, there have been young people who have "gone astray". However, the good news is that for the vast majority of young Vietnamese citizens, the homeland with its national flag is still a sacred symbol.

To celebrate victories in football matches, they not only turn all the roads of big cities into streams of red flags with yellow stars but are also ready to speak up to protect that flag in real life and cyberspace with enthusiasm and knowledge.

In cyberspace, "red flag pages" are becoming more numerous, stronger and sharper in the face of hostile rhetoric. They love learning about history.

They are proud of the heroic history of their ancestors, and they prove and protect that pride with arguments drawn from "searching" and poring over multi-dimensional documents in both Vietnamese and other languages. Example: The Facebook page "Thong tin chong phan dong" (Anti-reactionary information) has 205,000 followers.

In real life, on the border or the islands, there are always young soldiers firmly holding guns, guarding the peace of Vietnam's seas and skies.

Along with the ideals, the bravery of the current Vietnamese youth generation is always revealed in other aspects, and in general, it is still associated with love for the Fatherland and humanity, as well as confidence that comes from one's abilities.

The young generation of Vietnam is not only proud of their nation's history but also multiplies their pride every day through the tiniest actions.

Specifically, almost all foreign tourists who have come to Vietnam have great sympathy for the country, and it is also impossible not to mention the friendly smiles and willingness to help without profit from young people.

On the Facebook group "Vietnam is awesome", there are many messages of thanks from such foreign tourists about the dedicated help they have received from young Vietnamese people.

Even thanks to this community, some people have found their lost family, not just finding the perfect travel experiences or overcoming difficult times.

"Bravery" also sparkles more from small stories like that, when many of our young people can use foreign languages fluently, have open hearts, and are confident enough to communicate with international friends in a world that is still flattening day by day, with the trend of globalisation.

The vitality they reveal is also the common value of the entire generation. This has become the foundation for elite individuals to reach "the horizons".

Those "horizons" are not necessarily resounding achievements in any specific field, such as academia, innovation, or business.

Those "horizons" can simply be the desire to discover oneself mixed with the happiness of serving the Fatherland's flag, like the thoughts of many Vietnamese 'green beret' soldiers participating in the United Nations (UN)' peace-keeping force. "If I could choose again, I would have volunteered to leave earlier (to the Central African Republic), many years ago!" (Captain Vu Nhat Huong, former MINUSCA mission communications officer).

Devoting yourself to common work and helping unfortunate people has become a clear sign of the noble spirit as well as the resilient bravery of the country's young generation.

From the COVID-19 pandemic to floods, we see the helping hands from groups of young volunteers.

And right now, every weekend in many hospitals in big cities, some students contribute their efforts, cooking hundreds of free meals for poor patients.

"The other day, a little girl came in who had no hair and was about to run out of rice, and she wanted to eat a piece of meat. I brought it to her, and she cried while eating it. My eyes were red too". A small sharing from Nguyen Thanh Canh, a volunteer at Hospital K, in Tan Trieu, Hanoi, is enough to light up a humane spirit.

Source: Nhan Dan