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Vietnam and Chinese locality aim to raise trade turnover to USD5 billion

Thursday, 17/08/2023 | 14:59:12 [GMT +7] A  A

Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang expressed his hope that Vietnam and China’s Yunnan province would continue to promote exchanges and cooperation, striving to increase trade turnover to USD5 billion in the next few years.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang receives Secretary of the provincial Party Committee of China’s Yunnan province Wang Ning. (Photo: VGP)

He made the statement on August 15 while receiving Secretary of the provincial Party Committee of China’s Yunnan province Wang Ning on the occasion of his trip to Yunnan to attend the opening ceremony of the 7th China-South Asia Expo and the 27th Kunming Import and Export Fair.

Positively assessing new developments in cooperation between Vietnamese localities and Yunnan province over the past time, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang affirmed Vietnam's consistent policy in strengthening friendly neighborly relations and comprehensive cooperation with China.

He emphasized that the Vietnamese Government always attaches importance to and is willing to support and create conditions to strengthen the friendly cooperation between localities, including the border localities of Vietnam and Yunnan. “In recent years, Yunnan has really been a 'red address' and a model in exchanges and cooperation between localities of the two countries,” he said.

He also suggested Yunnan province closely coordinate with Vietnamese ministries, sectors and localities to concretise common perceptions reached by leaders of the two Parties and countries, especially the high-level common perception between General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong, and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President of China Xi Jinping in October 2022; effectively implement existing cooperation mechanisms and frameworks; strive to lift trade value between Vietnam's localities and Yunnan to USD5 billion in the next few years; strengthen connectivity of railway and road transport infrastructure; expand tourism cooperation; and share experience in poverty reduction and sustainable development.

He expressed his hope that the two sides will closely coordinate in border management and protection in accordance with the three documents on the land border and related agreements, and continue to build a peaceful and stable borderline between the two nations.

Welcoming Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang’s and the Vietnamese Government delegation’s attendance at the opening ceremony of the 7th China-South Asia Expo and the 27th Kunming Import and Export Fair, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee of China’s Yunnan province Wang Ning affirmed that Yunnan attaches great importance to friendly cooperation with localities of Vietnam, and is willing to work with Vietnamese localities to well implement the common goals of the Chinese and Vietnamese top leaders, as well as thosebetween Yunnan and ministries and sectors, and localities of Vietnam, reached during his visit to Vietnam in March 2023.

He confirmed his wish to increase exchange of delegations; suggested the two sides effectively uphold the role of cooperation mechanisms; boost economic-trade ties; strengthen infrastructure connectivity; closely cooperate in areas such as personnel training, poverty reduction, environmental protection, sustainable development; and expand relations in the fields of health, culture, education and tourism, contributing to further deepening the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.
