Sat, 27th Jul 2024 14:24 (GMT +7)

Uong Bi to livestream for the first time to sell famed lychees

Friday, 17/05/2024 | 08:47:18 [GMT +7] A  A

Videos of the early ripe lychees which are grown in Uông Bí city will be live- streamed for the first time on the page of the provincial Centre for Industry and Trade Promotion and Development as a way of encouraging sales.

Nông dân Phương Nam kiểm tra vườn vải, sẵn sàng cho vụ thu hoạch bội thu.
The livestream will run from May 23 to 26 from the lychee orchards.

Livestreaming has been shown to be a new and effective method to promote the locally-grown farm produce. The livestream will run from May 23 to 26 from the lychee orchards. 

Vải chín sớm Phương Nam căng mọng, đỏ rực và thơm ngọt.
There are around 400 hectares of Phương Nam lychees in the city which are all certified with VietGAP.

Early ripening lychee trees have been grown in Phương Nam since 1960s and the fruits have a reputation for being of good quality and having a superb taste.

Phuong Nam lychees are currently in the process of being certified under the Origin Trading and Authenticity System (OTAS) which can open doors for producers to sell the fruit into the European markets.  The Phuong Nam lychee output is estimated at 1,800 tonnes this year, with around half of the harvest already pre-ordered. The harvest will fall in mid-May to June 6 before the major lychee harvest season begins.

Lãnh đạo TP Uông Bí kiểm tra trước vụ vải.

Người dân Phương Nam là những người có kinh nghiệm canh tác, trồng và chăm sóc cây vải chín sớm Phương Nam.
Phuong Nam lychees are currently in the process of being certified under the Origin Trading and Authenticity System (OTAS) which can open doors for producers to sell the fruit into the European markets.

By Viet Hoa