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National television producers gather in Hải Phòng

Thursday, 16/03/2023 | 15:04:01 [GMT +7] A  A

The 41st National Television Festival, featuring over 700 productions, will be held from March 15 to 18 in the northern province of Hải Phòng.

A scene from Lưới Trời (Sky's Net) series produced by the northern Vĩnh Long Radio and Television Station. — Photo coutersy of Vĩnh Long Station

The number of works participating in the festival this year shows the enthusiasm and efforts of television stations throughout the country.

This year, the festival has two new categories, namely short reportage and online platform video, bringing the total number of categories to 11.

The traditional categories include children's show, documentary, reportage, music show, stage performance, science-education show, talk show, television short and long series, and ethnic language show.

Plus, there is a music video nomination in the music category and short stage performance nomination in the stage performance category.

The science-education show, talk show and long television series categories have more competing works.

The new short reportage category receives a total 140 entries, the most for any section. The new short reportages have mostly come from local television stations during the past two years.

The reportage category attracted 138 entries to focus on national achievements in different fields. HCM Television Station's Ngày Về (The Day Returns) is about COVID-19 patients and medical workers.

Việt Nam National Television Station (VTV)'s Thức Tỉnh (Awaken) tells a journey of a poacher becoming an environmental enthusiast. Mô Hình Giúp Dân Thoát Nghèo (Model Helps People Escape Poverty) from the central province of Quảng Nam Television Station features efforts by Nam Trà My District to reduce poverty.

A highlight of the festival is three seminars on March 16 and 17 with topics News Production and Distribution in the Digital Era; Television Graphics – Practice and Development Trends and Development of Technical Infrastructure for Digital Transformation.

"The seminars will help television producers learn about changes and technology development trends in television production," said Đỗ Thanh Hải, deputy-director of VTV and deputy-head of the organisation board at the press conference in Hà Nội.

"The seminars are also a chance for them to share and exchange experiences in making good television products meeting the demand of television audiences."

Along with the official activities, the festival has sideline activities including a photo exhibition and a television technology exhibition.

At the festival, VTV will hold a number of charity activities to donate cows to poor households in the province and give scholarships to poor students.

The opening ceremony will be aired live on Hải Phòng Radio and Television Station and live streamed on

The closing and award ceremony will be broadcast live at 8pm on March 18 on VTV's channel 1.

Source: Vietnam News